Harry NelsonHarry Nelson was quoted in an article published in AvvoStories titles “Why repealing Obamacare will be hard work for Trump”.

We will soon have Donald Trump as president, and that is bad news for the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, President Obama’s signature legislation designed to provide better, comprehensive healthcare to all Americans. Trump has repeatedly said he wants to repeal and replace it, though his stance seems to be shifting somewhat since the election. But this is established law we’re talking about, and throwing 24 million people off the insurance rolls is no small matter. What drastic changes can Trump and the Republican Congress realistically make to Obamacare?

Resistance is futile…or is it?

A great number of people find the prospect of any major Obamacare changes to be distressing. It will massively disrupt the insurance market, as well as, obviously, impact citizens’ rights to healthcare. The Trump administration can expect to face aggressive opposition to ACA changes, such as protests from Democratic politicians and Americans who will be negatively affected by the changes.

“Senate Democrats have the procedural tool of the filibuster as an act of defiance, but they have no way to stop the budget reconciliation process and the Republicans’ ability to kill the ACA via spending cuts,” says Harry Nelson, managing and Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Nelson Hardiman, LLP, a Los Angeles-based healthcare law firm. This being said, “The election also showed that the ACA was deeply unpopular with other Americans, so we expect that protesters will be on both sides and will not affect the outcome,” says Nelson.


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