Nelson Hardiman Hosts mHealth Israel RoundtableNelson Hardiman in partnership with mHealth Israel, the largest community for digital health entrepreneurship in Israel, will host a special round-table event from 8:30am to noon on Friday, March 4, 2016. The event will feature a panel of leading Southern California healthcare organizations, including Amgen, Providence Health, UC Irvine Health Center, and NantHealth, in dialogue with Israeli early stage digital health companies MedAware (elimination of medication errors), Datos (converting patient-generated raw data and health system actionable information), Emerge Clinical Solutions (clinical data support and documentation for medical professionals), TeleMessage, Medisafe (medication tools, support and information for patients), Wellness Layers (health technology platform for pre/post care, condition management, medication adherence, nutrition and fitness management, and employee wellness), Medivizor (free personalized, summarized and bottom-lined health information straight to your inbox), WebTeb, and BookMD.

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